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Monday, April 16, 2012

Philosophies By Me.

Life is not complicated or mysterious, live as yourself and only yourself, never become trapped within the past or fixed upon the future, but live here and now because that is where you are, and to live life to its fullest potential, one must see that every moment cannot be forced or changed, but one must always be ready to accept any opportunity to better oneself, never having to please anyone other than oneself which lessens so called “limits” to nothing more than lies imposed by what others see and label you as, existing solely as you is what makes life worth living.

that's one, here's the other

 The key to life is nothingness, as every moment exists alone, with no tomorrow or yesterday, making thought irrelevant, there is no perhaps, there simply is. As life does not revolve around a purpose or meaning but rather an individual flow, in true life, there are no decisions, simply doing, and for those who think then you have not truly lived! Living in harmony to one’s own flow is to be living as one whole, with no restraint or boundaries, just, living.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

No Thought

Hey guys, I just want to emphasize the fact that in a combat scenario, all mma fighters and boxers always say to think fast, or think on your feet. However, I always go my the method of not thinking, and just doing. because it makes you faster, and if you don't think, then you also can't telegraph your movements, and for those of you who are wondering how to just not think during a fight, I really just mean specifics, like when and how to attack. To start off on this would most simply be, to whenever you are sparring, ONLY think about WHERE to attack and when the time comes, just hit there, with a kick or a punch (it doesn't matter) at the exact same time as avoiding your opponents attack, and eventually your subconscious will start to find these openings by itself and you will move and attack without thinking at all. It might sound crazy but trust me, you don't know how useful your training is to your ability until you can do this. I am always trying to better this method as it is the most efficient and effective way to fight, so any suggestions or modifications you guys can think of I would love to hear, you all have my email (at the top of the page) and that's all for now.