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Monday, February 20, 2012

My opinion on Techniques

The base of all techniques comes down to either being defensive or offensive, defensive techniques are used to avoid attacks, and offensive techniques are used to give attacks. I believe that the greatest technique is the one that CAN be used offensively and defensively, but don’t ever try to think of what technique to use, because that is the job of your training, to ingrain these techniques within your mind and body so that they come instantaneously. Also, martial arts is truly the expression of oneself, so really put emotion into every technique you practice or ever actually use, because believe what you will, it does add strength to them.
Hook, jab, straight, uppercut, back fist, open palm, back hand slap, front hand slap, karate, knife hand, leopard fist, and sideways fist.
Hook kick, roundhouse, front, high, jumping, side, and shin.
Defensive techniques
Duck, bob, sidestep, back step.
Offensive techniques
Punch, kick, elbow, knee, and forehead strike.
When an opponent attacks, he cannot avoid creating at least a single opening, and you must be able to find this opening, and avoid the attack while simultaneously attacking your opponent, this is the kind of attack that is impossible to evade because your opponent has to be sure about attacking in the first place or his technique becomes sloppy, and so you will always catch him off guard. For example, if your opponent throws out a straight punch to your face, instead of just sidestepping, or just ducking, or blocking, block the attack and simultaneously give a punch to your opponent’s stomach, which will almost always land, because it is nearly impossible to attack and defend at the same time.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Best resources.

The best books for researching Bruce Lee and his techniques/ methods as to how he got to such a level of technique mastery and physique are The art of Expressing the Human Body, and Bruce Lee: The Complete Fighting Method. I use these books as references in my training constantly and they give great insight as to how Bruce believed the correct way to train was.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jeet Kune Do.

Some of you might be thinking that I skipped over the Best way to improve speed and power, but now i'm gonna tell you, because as Bruce Lee believed and I believe as well, physical fitness is as important to Jeet Kune Do as are techniques, and so to start off that aspect of JKD, the best way to improve speed and power would not only be practice, but for kicks, wear ankle weights, as it makes your legs seem simply lighter and more maneuverable over time, and for punching, I believe that resistance band and bag training are the best way, and specifically, I use a product called the Power Pushup 3, that can also be used to shadowbox with as well as providing a good muscular workout, seeing as though the resistance goes up to 240 lbs, per arm. and as far as bags go, I use a heavy bag, and a double end bag to improve reaction time, and accuracy. Next post will be about the proper way to gain strength.

Jeet Kune Do.

Instead of focusing on a subject for only a week, I've decided to begin taking on a subject for as long as I can supply relavent information, and for the time being, the subject will be Bruce Lee and his art of Jeet Kune Do, along with this I'll be sharing some of my Jeet Kune Do philosophies