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Monday, April 16, 2012

Philosophies By Me.

Life is not complicated or mysterious, live as yourself and only yourself, never become trapped within the past or fixed upon the future, but live here and now because that is where you are, and to live life to its fullest potential, one must see that every moment cannot be forced or changed, but one must always be ready to accept any opportunity to better oneself, never having to please anyone other than oneself which lessens so called “limits” to nothing more than lies imposed by what others see and label you as, existing solely as you is what makes life worth living.

that's one, here's the other

 The key to life is nothingness, as every moment exists alone, with no tomorrow or yesterday, making thought irrelevant, there is no perhaps, there simply is. As life does not revolve around a purpose or meaning but rather an individual flow, in true life, there are no decisions, simply doing, and for those who think then you have not truly lived! Living in harmony to one’s own flow is to be living as one whole, with no restraint or boundaries, just, living.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

No Thought

Hey guys, I just want to emphasize the fact that in a combat scenario, all mma fighters and boxers always say to think fast, or think on your feet. However, I always go my the method of not thinking, and just doing. because it makes you faster, and if you don't think, then you also can't telegraph your movements, and for those of you who are wondering how to just not think during a fight, I really just mean specifics, like when and how to attack. To start off on this would most simply be, to whenever you are sparring, ONLY think about WHERE to attack and when the time comes, just hit there, with a kick or a punch (it doesn't matter) at the exact same time as avoiding your opponents attack, and eventually your subconscious will start to find these openings by itself and you will move and attack without thinking at all. It might sound crazy but trust me, you don't know how useful your training is to your ability until you can do this. I am always trying to better this method as it is the most efficient and effective way to fight, so any suggestions or modifications you guys can think of I would love to hear, you all have my email (at the top of the page) and that's all for now.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Just Some inspiration celebrating 100 views!

5 simple things lead to invincibility. Freedom, which creates a truly unique quality emitted through one’s fists, determination, which drives the body through unfathomable hell in order to improve without limit, and lastly, dreams, love, and passion that bind the mind, body, and soul as one, creating a certain expression of one’s true self in its ultimate form which can endure and defeat any level of pain and corruption imposed upon it, 5 simple things join together to create an insurmountable power that is, the Fukutsu no Ken. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

My opinion on Techniques

The base of all techniques comes down to either being defensive or offensive, defensive techniques are used to avoid attacks, and offensive techniques are used to give attacks. I believe that the greatest technique is the one that CAN be used offensively and defensively, but don’t ever try to think of what technique to use, because that is the job of your training, to ingrain these techniques within your mind and body so that they come instantaneously. Also, martial arts is truly the expression of oneself, so really put emotion into every technique you practice or ever actually use, because believe what you will, it does add strength to them.
Hook, jab, straight, uppercut, back fist, open palm, back hand slap, front hand slap, karate, knife hand, leopard fist, and sideways fist.
Hook kick, roundhouse, front, high, jumping, side, and shin.
Defensive techniques
Duck, bob, sidestep, back step.
Offensive techniques
Punch, kick, elbow, knee, and forehead strike.
When an opponent attacks, he cannot avoid creating at least a single opening, and you must be able to find this opening, and avoid the attack while simultaneously attacking your opponent, this is the kind of attack that is impossible to evade because your opponent has to be sure about attacking in the first place or his technique becomes sloppy, and so you will always catch him off guard. For example, if your opponent throws out a straight punch to your face, instead of just sidestepping, or just ducking, or blocking, block the attack and simultaneously give a punch to your opponent’s stomach, which will almost always land, because it is nearly impossible to attack and defend at the same time.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Best resources.

The best books for researching Bruce Lee and his techniques/ methods as to how he got to such a level of technique mastery and physique are The art of Expressing the Human Body, and Bruce Lee: The Complete Fighting Method. I use these books as references in my training constantly and they give great insight as to how Bruce believed the correct way to train was.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jeet Kune Do.

Some of you might be thinking that I skipped over the Best way to improve speed and power, but now i'm gonna tell you, because as Bruce Lee believed and I believe as well, physical fitness is as important to Jeet Kune Do as are techniques, and so to start off that aspect of JKD, the best way to improve speed and power would not only be practice, but for kicks, wear ankle weights, as it makes your legs seem simply lighter and more maneuverable over time, and for punching, I believe that resistance band and bag training are the best way, and specifically, I use a product called the Power Pushup 3, that can also be used to shadowbox with as well as providing a good muscular workout, seeing as though the resistance goes up to 240 lbs, per arm. and as far as bags go, I use a heavy bag, and a double end bag to improve reaction time, and accuracy. Next post will be about the proper way to gain strength.

Jeet Kune Do.

Instead of focusing on a subject for only a week, I've decided to begin taking on a subject for as long as I can supply relavent information, and for the time being, the subject will be Bruce Lee and his art of Jeet Kune Do, along with this I'll be sharing some of my Jeet Kune Do philosophies

Friday, January 20, 2012

More Striking Variations

Moving on from Boxing, in other martial arts, there are more strikes such a wrist strikes and more well-thought techniques than just punching, for example my favorite, is a feint where you punch at the face as a distraction, then you spin and use an elbow strike to their face. Another great one is a Karate technique where you punch at your opponent's face as a distraction and simultaniously attack their stomach. So go ahead and practice these techniques and tomorrow I'll post some more techniques that really focus on the arms.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Punch variations

First off, in Boxing, there are 4 basic punches, the Jab, which is just a quick low power punch that is usually used to feint an opponent or just to attack. There is also the Straight, which is a high power punch usually to the opponent's face, which is also referred to as a cross. Then, there is the uppercut which attacks an opponent's Stomach or Jaw, and lastly, there is the hook, which is when your punch moves in a hook motion and attacks the opponent either in the face or in the oblique muscles. Next time we go over more variations, and the BEST ways to increase your punch power and speed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This week's Topic

This week is going to be entirely about punching, how to get faster and harder punches, and different variations of punches, and some really effective but simple feints that only use punches.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Just A Reminder

If you have any requests for a certain subject, just email me at

Jujitsu Training

Sorry for the delay on new posts, I've been really busy with school lately. but anyways, Jujitsu training is mainly just ridiculous amounts of practice of techniques, however my twist on the subject is also adding alot of repetitions to a workout (only body weight exercises) Now some people might think this leads to a plateu, but when your workout starts to get easier, just add new exercises or add more reps, because the exercise itself has nothing to do with a plateu. So, since explaining individual techniques would be really difficult, here's a link to a great website for finding Jujitsu techniques, history, ETC.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This week is gonna be about JuJitsu

So, to start off the week simply, I'm just going to explain some concepts and benefits.

Jujitsu is a Japanese martial art, which was developed  more than five hundred years ago and was used in war but it has evolved into a very widespread method of self defense and self discipline that has some of the most effective methods of training, and some of the most effective hand to hand combat techniques such as throws and locks. Next time I'll explain traditional Jujitsu training and my twist on it + some great Techniques to practice and train with.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fast Twitch muscle in Martial Arts

Fast twitch muscle is critical in martial arts, it gives speed and power to your techniques, but it also adds the ability to use better techniques, for example in Wing Chun speed is critical for it's fast paced chain strikes and prarries. and in Boxing, Punches get the "snap"  they need to really deliver a shock to an opponent.

Also, personally, after almost a year of working out with "fast twitch" excercises my bench press has gone up by 40 lbs, I can do 5 times as many pullups and pushups than i used to do, and my curl has gone up 10 lbs, but my arm circumference has gone up by 1 inch, which is just telling you how dense your muscles should become, so if your not noticing results at first, start to track your workouts, trust me you'll realize how much stronger your becoming.

Fast twitch muscle workouts

A lot of fast twitch muscle excercises are just doing the same excerscises but with extra umph. For example to do a pushup like this you would go down normally and then instead of just pushing up enough to get yourself up, push as hard as you can and make sure your arms are completely straight, same with pullups, dips, jump squats, deadlifts (after enough practice) and many other excersises. So anyways here's my workout for begging this type of training.  start off stretching, then do 25 pushups, crunches (not situps) and 25 jumping squats, rest, and repeat 5-10 times. and also for my biceps i like to do pullups best (remember pull yourself up as fast as you can) I do
3 regular, 3 hammer grip, 3 reverse grip, then 1 wide grip pullup. repeat 5 times. and thats a pretty good full body workout

P.S. you can always modify the reps or number of sets just as long as you keep good form.


Okay, so there are two types of muscle utilized in most workouts; Slow twitch and Fast twitch fibers. Slow twitch fibers are big, and they let you crank out endless reps (these muscles are usually used in superset workouts, whereas fast twitch fibers are small and dense, and they create devestating speed and explosive strength (usually used in Plyometric workouts) And also technically there is a third muscle fiber which is a cross between the other two, it has explosiveness and endless endurance, however there is little to none found in humans but commonly in fish and other animals. Its impossible to change your muscle fibers, but you can find workouts that isolate either slow twitch or quick twitch fibers. Next posts will be on workouts for either of these types of muscle.